good ol pirate days
Another week gone by... n this weekend has been nothing out of the norm... mundane.
On weekdays i go to work, then go back home.. on my pc.. check my friendster n flickr n do editing of my ol' pics... n sometimes i surf u tube... so lame...
But yesterday while talking on the phone, i re-open my friendster, n read all the old testimonials... somehow it bring back good old times...
Ppl don't write testimonials anymore this days... They only leave comments. Most of the time, messages... We use to beg for 'testi'. We use to think what to write for dear friend just to get one 'testi' in return... To me this 'testis' are more than just messages for us.. its a medium for us to acknowledge what our friends think of us as an individual. its a medium for others to have a rough ideas who we are, without knowing us directly... N yesterday after reading those good old testis, it makes me remember wat i was like a couple of years back...
How i miss those younger days... We were reckless yet so happy... We dont even laugh that much nowadays... sigh... Lucky enough for us, we got time-machine like 'testis' to help us recall back who we use to be... hope those yuppies can do the same with their 'comments' when they get old...
Its already a work day for us full grown adults... Head up guys! Have a great week ahead!