This just a few picture of the 1st day of hari raya...
The 1st day always been the same routine every year for me... Go to grandma's house then off to some of grandma's siblings' houses...
The normal routine almost changed this year, coz now i'm engaged, n my baby ALMOST came along to join us visiting this year... but well things doesnt end up as planned. Its still ok though, coz her family came over to visit my family... Happy! My mom 1st time meeting her family...
Well looking forward to the friends outing on the 11th. Hope it going to be a blast! The difference this year n last years... This year i got my driving license n could be driving a rented car... I got my 400d to capture moments... I m engaged (well, not much diff, but at least... ) n my friends are bringing more babies. Well for more pictures, pls visit my facebook. SLAMAT HARI RAYA!