Ok enuf with the super great hari raya... The fiancee almost screamed at me for not updating my blog... I got tonnes of pictures to upload N my pc hard disk is FULL. Great! now where can i shaft all my pictures?? Even photobucket is failing me.
My best friend jabby Ellyfund has advise me to get an external disk, but i guess now is not the time... yet. Alot of event i had to go to, since the hari raya outing, every weekend is like jam packed with appointments, meetings, outings, b'days... I dont even have time for my self... not to mention time for us.
Boy's n Ah moi's b'day... Zakie's open house... Family gatherings... house visits... Perjumpaan hari raya... movies... picnic....
Its all good. But for a while i just wish that things could slow down abit... Let me catch my breath b4 the next wave of events. N sleeping hours are just deteriorating...
Now i m just fuckin exhausted... which eventually sink my self-esteem below rock bottom. With too many things fucked up in my head, my level of concentration on anything has almost come to non-existance...
N coming up... my colleague is going on a holiday this week, which probably gona leave me to do all those fucked up pending repair jobs all by myself... n to top it up, the fiancee, the remedy for my achingly exhausted boody mind n fuckin soul, is leaving for her company trip this weekend...
Well when can i get that well deserved sleep? I guess not yet...
takper la... all in good time.... I guess god is testing me on my persistance... patience... perseverance...
Well i still got tonnes of pictures to upload... i think it'll probably appear in facebook... coz my flickr is full.. photobucket always hang... friendster leceh...
so watch out for it orite...
Got to go b4 my brain melts and ooz out thru my eye sockets in the most gruesome manner.....