hey guys its been a long time since i update my blog..well its ok ... i guess the only one who read this is most probably... MR Shahreil"stimgam" bakri, MR Siddiq"viciously" ali. NIwea thanks GUYS! Love u to the core!
Well after five years i have completed my National service..... this is the 1st time i was call up for reservist ICT-(in camp training)... feather -dustered my NO.4 n FBO- full battle order, wake up xtra early on the 1st day n set off to find the private chalets book esspecially for us!
haha... N Kranji Camp III was not an easy camp to find for Newbies like us... i got to two other camps n ask for directions b4 i reach my actual camp... actually it was super straigt forward... just that its clustered with 4 other camps that confused our sense of direction....
As i reach there, i saw old faces that really put me at ease... But before i could in-process, i was ask to have a haircut at the already long-queued barber shop at the end of the canteen. And like all the NSmen N NSF alike know... although very cheap... your haircut wont worth a single dollar... FUCK!
The 1st week of the ict was totally relaxing... Waiting was like the main exercise that u have do to test ur endurance....And after we smoked our half-decent lungs out to the point of irrepairability, they torture us with sleepy lectures in a fully air-conditioned auditorium theatre with seats rivals most cinemas in town area...
then came the IPPT test which i failed. N then the 5km route march with SBO, helmet & m16... then more waiting up till weekends.
Then 2nd week came the actual ftx- field training xcercise... where all the Field pack, SBO, rifle n friends really make the difference in how bad u have to suffer at the period of time...
We r scheduled for a 3days 2 nights out-field... 1st nite was ok. we deployed at the run-down building of the old 3rd guards battalion... lucky me, need not do any sentry duty. So i got the whole nite to do absolutely nothing xcept waiting... n figuring out how to make the combat ration taste like food! YUCKS!
2nd day 1/2 of my platoon was lucky enuf to get deployed to my old ns unit jurong camp, where we repaired a number of vehicle... N get to eat NASI lEMAK! At last real cooked food.. at 8.30 p.m on this same day the whole coy move out....
1st a 2hrs journey to sungei gedong area just behind the cemetary of lim chu kang, where we r to simulate a river crossing drill, then finally ard 1a.m we reach our actual deployment ares which is lam sam.
N tats where the hell start... we only get to have 1 hrs slp... n at 6.15a.m we already got to start all the preparation n standy for enemy attacks... its a total hell.... but lucky enuf by 1p.m the whole excercise was over... we head back to our camp... but b4 that we are attack my 'enemy' on our way.
the next day we out process... where we already feel that we gonna miss each other... and the experience we had are almost unforgetable.
the bond we manage to ties this 2weeks r great... so next in-camp we wont get any butterfly in our stomach...
after its over... i went to esplanade to watch O.A.G.- rocking the region- malaysia.
it was a kick ass performance... sorry for the long boring story guys... just feel i got to jot this down for rememberance....
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