My baby lost her handphone... forgotten and dropped and unnoticed. A joyous day ended with sadness. To rub the blistering wound with salt, the founder, a murderous ah pek, drunk to the point of vegetation, pick up the bloody phone when we called. "wa tak culik lu hampon, lu kasi jatuh." translatied- " ididnt steal ur phone, u dropped it" wa the only fuckin words i heard clearly. Efforts to retrive back the phone was denied, only to found out that the 'mofo' wasnt intending to return it. with the help of a friend who could speak chinese, we was told to call him back at 2p.m. n he will "consider" returning it back. We called back at the specific time n he wouldnt answer. WTF! The MOFO shouldn't have answered the phone in the first 'fuckin' place rite!?!
So the new sim card was bought, a new number is used... the old is treasured in our hearts, remembered n missed. Gone are all the contacts nombers n birthday reminders n pictures.... sooo sad!
But! depite that... we had a great day before n after the freaking incident!
Before- we when shopping at marina. My "the greatness" fiancee bought herself a t-shirt @mango, a pair of pump shoes@ charles &keith, A bottle of diesel(damn it smell of sex!) @ vivo tangs... N she bought for me a Canon 50mm f:1.8 Len @cathay photo marina... HOW COOL IS THAT!
After- When she go to vivo to get her sim card,The "takde saper bley challen" herself decide to buy me a CHANEL perfume homme sport ALLURE! N we talk n had good laugh... it was sooo perfect. Thanks dearest. I'll find that ah pek n feed him to the giraffe after i chop n dice him n make him into a shape of a pile of leafs ok?
AND HAAPPPYY 3yr 4mth anniversary hahahaha.
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