Thursday, January 29, 2009
Waking up as early as 5a.m. is somewhat "difficult to do, easpecially when u cant really sleep earlier that u usually do. Lynn gave me a wake up call at 5a.m. where i fall back right asleep while waiting for shahrul to reply back to my wake up call...
After 30mins we decide to go with it even if its just the two of us....
I pick lynn from her home, then straight to macritchie. To my surprise there is ppl that came earlier to the park on the 1st day of chinese new year... I thot i was crazy, but it prove that there are lunatics of fitness. We started ard 6.45a.m. With eyes still heavy n empty stomach, we gush to the starting point... n begin our journey.
Around 3hrs later we manage to finish the whole my disappointment, there isnt much things that i think would make interesting photographs. By then our stomach was growling like mad dogs, our legs felt like twigs ready to snap with the slightest of force. My ulcers in my mouth are dried up n would tear up with the slightest of movement...
But want thing that i feel good abt is, that we made it together. We endured the harsh environment, the uncomfortability, the excruciating pain, the fatique, the empty stomach n the uncertainty ahead without any arguement, n better still, we supported each other, we cared for each other's needs and little did we complaint abt each others' lacking. It might be a simple 10km trail, but somehow i think its gonna reflect how we gonna handle our relationship. When the going get tough, the tough gets going... Insyallah. I m proud of what we accomplished together n may we get thru our tough times with compassion n understanding as wat we did in completing this trail.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Jabrul's 29th b'dea surprise party

"For all of the 29 years i been living, this is the First time ever i had this kind of surprise party." Thats wat mr jabrul said. N for a while there i feel that the whole bunch of us rascal had made a difference in someone life. A friend, which to me, had been thinking that he was not given enuf appreciation from the people around him, suddently found out otherwise. I remember his last b'dea... less appreciated i supposed. But this year's better.
Well, i would like to thanks all the people who were there ,on behalf of my better half, ms Lynn. I was actually surprised that u guys did come despite the short notice n last minute planning... Thanks to Halem macatman for Driving us around n collecting the cake. Thanks to Mr n Mrs Jabreil for helping with the decoration stuff n also food/ tidbits n add the fun to the party with the Bear game. Thanks to Mr n Mrs NyuNyu for being such a good sport n participation. Thanks to Leo n Mar for the R.O.C.K game n Animal game. Thanks to Boy n Ahmoi for changing their shift/plans just for the event. Thanks to Mr n Mrs Nondk for the participation despite the need to hibernate. Thanks to Abby for planning the whole thing, n booking a nice hotel suite for us to play around before u did.N thanks for holding the bithday boy long enuf for us to get thing proper..... N thanks to the hotel management who didnt entertain any complaints from our neighbouring rooms for the noise that we make....
I think that was a successful surprise party( by reaction from jabrul's face). I hope the b'dea boy enjoyed himself...
last year-end weddings
2 of shahrul friends that i happen to know get married on the 27th & 28th dec 08 where i took the opportunity to practice my photography. i notice a slight increase of demand for my photography services, so i might as well put in effort to boost my confidence, n maybe make a portfolio. Jabby has been contributing alot in giving me pointer n open up door of opportunity for me. Thanks man.
found this clip at mar's blog... i had to agree with her... this babe is gd...
U can actually feel her emotions in her voice...
wat else can i say... enjoy!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
welcoming 2009

A lil' late for a new year wish... but i guess i wanna remember the new year eve. With each year pass me by, i feel the lesser i want celebrate. But with every new year comes a sense of hope, a sense of mystery of what's going to come. With the recession n all, everybody seems wondering of the uncertainties that they might be facing. For me i just hope that the new year will be a new beginning for me. A fresh start... n hope its a life changing one..
Me n the fiancee spend the last few hours of 2008 with a relaxing date. A movie date. Seven pound. Its a touching story of a man who lost his love for his recklessness n decide to redeem himself by changing the live of 7 people who needed n deserve something that he have... mostly his organs... just before he commit suicide. N wat a way to die... Jellyfish!
After the movie we went to meet up with shahrul n abby n hanim at the lil' Guilin. Yup its that lame! N to my surprise not one of my friends had a mass outing plan. But its ok. We are getting older, n its time to take a slower pace in live. its time to reflect back, wat we've done in 2008. N y are we havent be the person we wanted to be... be it financially or spiritually or wateverly... N wat have we done wrong in managing our live. i think it's a good time for changes.
Oh ya .. n we end the year with a missing girl to find... hehe no offence, but its a memorable one!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Without realising it, we had stick thru thick n thin for almost 4 years now. Next 4th of february will be the mark of our 4th year aniversary... still hv no idea where to go or what to do... but the thot of getting this far is really great! Maybe its not very long, but its the longest, coolest, most stable relationship i ever had.... Just praying hard that we can really make it to our wedding. Hahaha. N of coz working hard... hahah.
OK nytes...
Monday, January 5, 2009
port dickson 2
Sunday, January 4, 2009
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