Waking up as early as 5a.m. is somewhat "difficult to do, easpecially when u cant really sleep earlier that u usually do. Lynn gave me a wake up call at 5a.m. where i fall back right asleep while waiting for shahrul to reply back to my wake up call...
After 30mins we decide to go with it even if its just the two of us....
I pick lynn from her home, then straight to macritchie. To my surprise there is ppl that came earlier to the park on the 1st day of chinese new year... I thot i was crazy, but it prove that there are lunatics of fitness. We started ard 6.45a.m. With eyes still heavy n empty stomach, we gush to the starting point... n begin our journey.
Around 3hrs later we manage to finish the whole course...to my disappointment, there isnt much things that i think would make interesting photographs. By then our stomach was growling like mad dogs, our legs felt like twigs ready to snap with the slightest of force. My ulcers in my mouth are dried up n would tear up with the slightest of movement...
But want thing that i feel good abt is, that we made it together. We endured the harsh environment, the uncomfortability, the excruciating pain, the fatique, the empty stomach n the uncertainty ahead without any arguement, n better still, we supported each other, we cared for each other's needs and little did we complaint abt each others' lacking. It might be a simple 10km trail, but somehow i think its gonna reflect how we gonna handle our relationship. When the going get tough, the tough gets going... Insyallah. I m proud of what we accomplished together n may we get thru our tough times with compassion n understanding as wat we did in completing this trail.
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