Saturday, August 23, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
15/08/2008.. my b'dea...
Hahahhah luper nak update yg nie... Important nie...
I would like to thank th e love of my life... The B.. Mrs Faizah "mankey punyer" fadzlin... for the generous b'dea prezzies. The awfully chocolate cake.. the foot reflexolofy n back massage... the love n care. U r by far the most wondeful thing in my world...
Thanks to the Shahreil Family, fot the Fig & Olive dinner at vivo n leting me& lynn to be the fist passangers in his new car. It was awesome! N thanks to mr Boy eizhar for the CANON book on EF lens n poster... N thanks to Nini N Baby ganyut Izyan Suhaila for the b'dea wishes n medal... N thanks to the good ppl at LFI who even care to celebrate my b'dea with a cake n inspiring words of encouragements... N thanks to the others for remembering my b'dea. N Thanks to The Almighty God ALLAH for blessing me with life, n letting me live till this day.
I love U all...
The wanababies
The Last task of the day was to visit yati & baby ryan at Thompson Private Hospital... Lynn, Sid, Halem & i took Halem's car, while Hairul, ross, dian & zakie were in the zakie's car. Had a lot of laughter during the visit.
Zakie's baby izs was so active n cute... n with shahreil's baby in my arms... i felt that i should have my own soon... rite now tompang gembira pun ok la...
i could just imagine how ryan would sit on my lap during our hangout at habib soon.... hahha. This is the one baby hat i tink woud grow up in front of my eyes, n one that i could consider as my own..
Rashid n ulene engagement day.... Congatulations! Thanks for the opportunity. This is the fist time for me trying out to be an event photographer. Thanks Rashid for the trust he gave me to use his NIKON D300 camera, n trusting me to take the job on a memorable event like this.
I think i pretty sucky at this. I dont know how to make full use of the speedlight flash. But really its a great camera to work with. I hope he's happy with my shots. At least he's easy on me. i m so lack of experiece n ideas... Compare to his other photographer, MR khai i m miles away in term of skill n knowledge. But overall it was a good experience. I hope to c my shots later after he burn it on a cd.
Ihad quie a lot of fun... Learning. Met Mr Hairul n Ross at ulene's. N tasted the most awesome Cheesecake yet! Never thot a cheese cake would taste that good. I think i gonna order it frm ulene for my wedding! Mr Halem, Zki n Dian join us back at rashid's... N had a catch up time with them while waiting for the rain to stop. Mr Sid n hisham n sani came later...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A national day cant end w/o a real celebration... So me n jabby make plan to join Halem at his honey's home in bt panjang for an evening of games!
GUITAR HEROES! one of the most talk abt games! Its fun n musical... Well another memorable national day indeed... Pizza, junk food, games n loud shriekin noise from halem n yatie arguing, really made it unforgetable....
A lil' too sleepy to go in details... But hell we had fun!
The patriots!
9th August, Singapore's national day. ITs a time where half the population of this island gathered themselves to the Marina n esplanade area to watch the parade at the floating platform, or wait for the famous end of parade fireworks.... But this year, we aint competing with the thousands... I've check on the internet for some place a lil' less crowded, n stumble upon the bottle tree park... Decide to take a look at the place. Its not my kind of place, but its something different. Its more for people who love fishing...
Its raining anywea... so we make it a quick one, then we headed to jln Kayu for lunch at cafeela. I recommend the briyani mutton. yummy....
With nowhere else to go , i decide to go back home n watch the NDP on tv to join the rest of the patriotic singaporeans! Stand up! stand up! for SINGAPOOORE!
Escape. Chill. Panoramic.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Under my umbrella...ella..ella...
Sometimes trusting someone u know for a long time is just so hard to do.... Sometimes we are too scared to move out of our confort zone... Sometime we are just too cautious. That y i think we all stuck at where we are... Under the tempurong.
Hehehe nothing personal, just a thought that rings in my mind these days... This is wat mr jabreil once said to me..."dod, wa nak migrate ar... we need to get away from our confort zone... Just stuck here wont do it." I agreed strongly... But i m not migrating... moving away from the confort doesnt mean, u got to get out of expensive s'pore... But at least try out things that u think that u could never do. Things that u r sceptical of. Things that u think u will fail upon trying...
If u try then u find out, ur limitation. If u try u'll find that more door would be open to you. if u try then it will help to diminish ur fear. Sometimes when u try, u might just change ur life.
but we are accustomed to stay in our confort zone... n every time we try our fear steps in. Fear of failure. overcome that... n theres always people or friends or parents that discourages u... some even make a mockery out of u. N if u really fails... good luck to u! Friends n family will look down on u like n laugh behind ur back.
Funny thing is, when u succeed, then they will say "hey, y dont u share with us? y dont ask us along?". N came words like " what? u think i cant do it?". N the blaming will just go on. n some will go" if not for me, he wouldn't stand a chance." Hahah
Well this things are not really hapenning to me... but is a fact of life. Coz some people just cant shut the fuck up. But for friends n family who's willing to go out n expand their confort zone, just try it la... n be brave to overcome those hurdles. I dont have those kind of oppotunities, due to my financial n responsibilities... but if god will, i want to. God will help those who help themselves. Usaha! Coz god wont transfer money to ur bank acct.. but god will open u opportunities to make them. God didnt make u pies, but god creates the plants n animals that u can make them with.
Well people, this is just my chain of tots. Its good, sometimes, to think over things that might be controlling ur life. N it pays to be a lil' bit brave to look out of the tempurong. n a lil prayer would really help. Well, i cant get out now, but maybe i'll just peek at wats outside.... hhehehehe... n maybe my prayer will be answered.
Hehehe nothing personal, just a thought that rings in my mind these days... This is wat mr jabreil once said to me..."dod, wa nak migrate ar... we need to get away from our confort zone... Just stuck here wont do it." I agreed strongly... But i m not migrating... moving away from the confort doesnt mean, u got to get out of expensive s'pore... But at least try out things that u think that u could never do. Things that u r sceptical of. Things that u think u will fail upon trying...
If u try then u find out, ur limitation. If u try u'll find that more door would be open to you. if u try then it will help to diminish ur fear. Sometimes when u try, u might just change ur life.
but we are accustomed to stay in our confort zone... n every time we try our fear steps in. Fear of failure. overcome that... n theres always people or friends or parents that discourages u... some even make a mockery out of u. N if u really fails... good luck to u! Friends n family will look down on u like n laugh behind ur back.
Funny thing is, when u succeed, then they will say "hey, y dont u share with us? y dont ask us along?". N came words like " what? u think i cant do it?". N the blaming will just go on. n some will go" if not for me, he wouldn't stand a chance." Hahah
Well this things are not really hapenning to me... but is a fact of life. Coz some people just cant shut the fuck up. But for friends n family who's willing to go out n expand their confort zone, just try it la... n be brave to overcome those hurdles. I dont have those kind of oppotunities, due to my financial n responsibilities... but if god will, i want to. God will help those who help themselves. Usaha! Coz god wont transfer money to ur bank acct.. but god will open u opportunities to make them. God didnt make u pies, but god creates the plants n animals that u can make them with.
Well people, this is just my chain of tots. Its good, sometimes, to think over things that might be controlling ur life. N it pays to be a lil' bit brave to look out of the tempurong. n a lil prayer would really help. Well, i cant get out now, but maybe i'll just peek at wats outside.... hhehehehe... n maybe my prayer will be answered.
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